
ARTICLE 042: In a 2002 study, 180 people underwent three treatment routes for their arthritis. In one group, surgeons removed the patients’


ARTICLE 042: When a belief becomes ingrained in your subconscious it has the same effect as a placebo, and you can then harness its power. It

ARTICLE 041: With feedback, rebel entrepreneurs can remove the friction points and then reassess. This process is known as the “perfection loop”. It’s


ARTICLE 041: In 2008, Marissa Mayer wanted to determine how colour influenced users’ engagement with Google Ads. Mayer performed



ARTICLE 040: In 2007, two broke roommates, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia realised that if they couldn’t raise enough money for rent on their San


ARTICLE 040: A rebel entrepreneur is very aware of the right timing for trends happening in society, and if applicable, launches their product or service

ARTICLE 039: A rebel entrepreneur isn't afraid. If the promise of reward is not enough to motivate you into taking that plunge, then try changing your


ARTICLE 039: In 2015, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis wanted to determine which is a more effective motivator – the carrot (the


Get ready to take off

ARTICLE 038: When Bill Gates was just 17 he established his first business with his partners Paul Allen and Paul Gilbert. The company was called


ARTICLE 038: Setbacks are simply a sign that great things are about to happen, so get ready to take off, just position yourself to shoot in the right

ARTICLE 037: In order to protect your business and yourself, negative people should be identified as early as possible. If you share your idea with

Negative people

ARTICLE 037: Albert Einstein once said “Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.” He was entirely right. Negative



ARTICLE 036: In 1971, Philip Zimbardo recruited students to take part in a simulated prison in Stanford’s psychology building. Half were assigned


ARTICLE 036: Rebel entrepreneurs don’t judge people based on their role or their title. They don’t see labels. They treat everyone with respect -

ARTICLE 035: Questions are more important than solutions, because as W. Clement Stone explained, they take us out of victim-mode. Writing


ARTICLE 035: What is thinking? The practice of thinking is just asking and answering questions – that’s where our thoughts come from. If you are


ARTICLE 034: Once we stop asking “What’s in it for me?” and change that question to “How can I help?” - we can tap into the part of our psyche that

For me

ARTICLE 034: Whenever we encounter a new person, opportunity or experience or even listen to a story, our brains are wired to ask the question



ARTICLE 033: “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius During his prison


ARTICLE 033: The wisdom of stoicism can be a guiding light through tough times in business. You may encounter problems entirely out of your

Brainstorm together

ARTICLE 032: The very best ideas are developed carefully, and often, independent of others. In a study conducted at Yale in 1958, 48 students were



ARTICLE 032: Rebel's employees need to think independently, but brainstorm together. It's most effective when they know about the session in

Take a risk

ARTICLE 031: A friend of mine found herself at a crossroad in life. She wanted to be an editor, and hoped one day to establish an editing business


ARTICLE 031: Rebel entrepreneurs take intellectual risks, emotional risks, personal risks and social risks. For a rebel entrepreneur, risk-

ARTICLE 030: Delayed gratification doesn’t just make treats taste more delicious, the practice yields better results at every stage of life. Closer to

Big dream

ARTICLE 030: During the 1960s, Walter Mischel carried out a series of studies on 600 boys and girls between the ages of three and five in what


Stress is good for you

ARTICLE 029: At one point in my career, it felt like stress was going to defeat me. Deadlines were mounting, I felt physically sick and I hadn't slept


ARTICLE 029: Stress is good for you. Only if you believe that stress can kill you, it will. However, once I realised that it could work for me rather than

Sacrifice the partying

ARTICLE 028: According to Isaac Newton’s first law of motion, an object at rest will remain at rest, while an object in motion will stay in motion,


ARTICLE 028: Whatever you put in now will come back to you in the future. A rebel entrepreneur will sacrifice a few years of partying now for decades

ARTICLE 027: A rebel entrepreneur will make decisions not solely based on their logic but their gut feeling too. They trust their gut. In business, it


ARTICLE 027: The gut is so powerful, many call it ‘the second brain’. In 2011, Dr Premsyl Berick, an associate professor of gastroenterology at


ARTICLE 026: Positive visualisation of a goal has a profound effect on the human body. A ‘goal’ here can also mean any important event, including an

Positive visualisation

ARTICLE 026: In 1967, Australian psychologist Alan Richardson visited a team of college basketball players. Richardson watched the


Innovation without money

ARTICLE 025: When 3D4Medical started off, I was operating entirely on a shoestring. We had just one employee – me – who worked from the attic of my


ARTICLE 025: Innovation without money is possible, in fact, there’s never been a better time to start a business on a budget. Leaving aside the

Never sell out

ARTICLE 024: A friend of mine was the ultimate rebel entrepreneur. On a shoestring he managed to build a multimillion dollar business in just a short


ARTICLE 024: Never sell out. I’ve seen first hand how so many otherwise brilliant entrepreneurs sell majority shares to VCs, or investors, only to

ARTICLE 023: A rebel entrepreneur knows the importance of integrity and will always look for win-win solutions. They value honesty, and put their

The Importance of Integrity

ARTICLE 023: In 1961, Stanley Milgram recruited 500 men to take part in what they thought was a memory test. The participants were given the role


The Returning Soldier Effect

ARTICLE 022: After times of war, when a large percentage of the male population is killed, there follows a huge spike in the number of the


ARTICLE 022: The returning soldier effect is just one of the bizarre and unexplainable ways the world works to restore balance. Rebel

Imagination is the key

ARTICLE 021: When Star Trek first debuted, it gained a cult-following who were charmed by the innovative technology that took centre stage. Many


ARTICLE 021: For a rebel entrepreneur, imagination is the key, a vital source of innovation and, ultimately, proof that even the most outlandish

Tap into collective wisdom

ARTICLE 020: In 1906, polymath and statistician Sir Francis Galton was visiting a country fair in England when he first observed a strange


ARTICLE 020: Rebel entrepreneurs understand that they need to tap into collective wisdom, and they know how to use it when it comes to

Do it for freedom

ARTICLE 019: “Your salary is the bribe they give you to forget your dreams.” – Chrisjan Peters As you read this, you might be stuck in an office


ARTICLE 019: Rebel entrepreneurs are able to take that plunge and do it for freedom. They work when they want, where and how they want. They

ARTICLE 018: A rebel entrepreneur understands that in order to make money they have to invest. They don’t let their cash stagnate. Their goal is not

Don't work for money

ARTICLE 018: In Latin, the word currency means ‘to flow’. Picture a town where everybody is in debt. Each town-person owes money to someone



ARTICLE 017: When web browsers were launched in the 90’s, sceptics feared that the advancements would result in mass unemployment as the internet


ARTICLE 017: The AI revolution will be no different. AI will see people leave monotonous menial jobs and start working in more creative


ARTICLE 016: Which makes for a better business – selling a product or a service? I happen to have experience in both. I was the founder and CEO of


ARTICLE 016: Each project is completed you must begin again. There are less limitations in the sale of products. Products have the potential to earn


ARTICLE 015: When Formula 1 drivers realise they are heading straight for a wall, their first reaction is not to stop, but to divert their gaze from


ARTICLE 015: A rebel entrepreneur - whether it is in life or business - will always focus on what's ahead. Once you start orienting yourself in the

ARTICLE 014: When we stand tall, put our hands in the air and take up space, we can assert our dominance. You can learn and master confidence

Learn and master confidence

ARTICLE 014: In 2008, researchers Jessica Tracy and David Matsumoto studied the body language of blind athletes at the 2004 Paralympics against



ARTICLE 013: In 1952, a group of scientists conducted a behavioral study on the monkeys living on the Japanese island of Kōjima. Over


ARTICLE 013: When you are struck with a good idea - whether it’s a new innovation or an idea for a business - remember somewhere in the world,


ARTICLE 002: Koko the gorilla, was just a year old when her instructor taught her American Sign Language. Soon, Koko had a vocabulary of over


ARTICLE 002: A rebel entrepreneur stands by their integrity and tells the truth. Only stupid people lie. They do so because they fear the consequences of


ARTICLE 012: Picture yourself as a sports manager, assembling the best football team that would challenge the league title. Would you take


ARTICLE 012: Diversity in business is essential. Studies show that teams composed of men and women of different races, nationalities, sexual

ARTICLE 011: Rebel entrepreneurs must show investors that they have the tenacity to get through uncertain financial periods. They are patient.


ARTICLE 011: When Colonel Sanders franchised his signature fried chicken recipe, he was in his sixties. After years of selling from his roadside


ARTICLE 010: Rebel entrepreneurs write down the big goal. They ask themselves continuously if what they’re doing now is bringing them closer to that

Big goal

ARTICLE 010: Michelangelo once said: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and


Pitch short

ARTICLE 003: The average human attention span is short, and, according to a 2015 survey by Microsoft, it’s only getting shorter. In the study


ARTICLE 003: Rebel entrepreneurs craft their product with simplicity in mind, and this makes the act of pitching easier. They develop their product

ARTICLE 008: As a rebel entrepreneur, more often than not, the only direction for you to move in is against the tide of the crowd. Rebel entrepreneurs


ARTICLE 008: When I first told people about my vision for 3D4Medical, they laughed at me. I was a broke outsider who disliked authority and more



ARTICLE 007: Failure, in the past, was seen as grounds for punishment, especially for entrepreneurs. Societies from Ancient Greece and


ARTICLE 007: Failure is crucial to the development of an entrepreneur’s business. It is not an indication of incompetence, but a powerful

ARTICLE 005: Rebel entrepreneurs realize that they thrive in the face of fear and the unknown. It's only when they take that jump, that they


ARTICLE 005: Reid Hoffman – the founder of LinkedIn – once said: “Starting a company is like jumping off a cliff and trying to assemble a plane


ARTICLE 004: A loveable product can be judged not by what it is, but by what it is not. They lack friction points - or anything that prompts frustration

Loveable product

ARTICLE 004: After years of grafting and sleepless nights, I finally felt ready to launch our product. We were given a great opportunity to launch Complete



ARTICLE 009: Before it was called Instagram, it was called Burbn. With this app, users could share photos, connect with friends, earn points and


ARTICLE 009: When you develop a product or service, endeavour to make it both easy to use and explain. Make it simple. If you are unable to

ARTICLE 006: If we can look at any situation from a larger perspective, and with the understanding that situations are only good or bad if we label

Good or bad

ARTICLE 006: There was once a farmer, whose stallion was his most prized possession. He took excellent care of the animal, until one day, the


Control your own destiny

ARTICLE 001: I remember the exact moment I made the decision to become an entrepreneur. I was 18, working in the US on a Christmas


ARTICLE 001: A rebel entrepreneur understands their own worth. They take control of their own destiny. If they have to temporarily work for a boss