Month: November 2019


ARTICLE 054: Money was my motivation in my early days as an entrepreneur. In hindsight, this was the single biggest mistake I made in my


Let your fear go

ARTICLE 053: In 1920, psychologist John Watson wanted to test the extent to which humans can be conditioned to feel irrational fear. Watson had


Don't belittle competitors

ARTICLE 052: When I was in my early twenties, I worked as a salesman for a company that raised money for the Catholic Church in California. I didn't


Artificial intelligence advantage

ARTICLE 051: Artificial intelligence is transforming the world we live in every day whether you are aware of it or not. As new strides in technology


Be assertive

ARTICLE 050: In a 2011 study, “Do Nice Guys – And Gals – Really Finish Last?” Notre Dame Professor Timothy Judge found that agreeable



ARTICLE 049: Elon Musk – who identifies as an “introverted engineer” – has spoken in the past about how he had no choice but to overcome his



ARTICLE 048: David Steindl-Rast once said “It is not happiness that makes us grateful, it is gratefulness that makes us happy.” Steindl-Rast is


Sell products

ARTICLE 047: In 1870, Josephine Cochran enjoyed a busy social life, and would host dinner parties for her friends from her home in Illinois.


ARTICLE 047: Great businesses sell products that solve their customers’ pain. The reasoning behind this model for success is psychological. Humans,

Lack of sleep

ARTICLE 046: Amnesty International lists deliberate sleep deprivation as a form of torture, and those who have been subjected to it support


ARTICLE 046: A lack of sleep wreaks havoc on our physical and mental well-being, and yet humans are the only mammals to deliberately


ARTICLE 045: When realtors host open viewings they invite potential buyers to imagine themselves living in the house. They get rid of clutter, brew a


ARTICLE 045: Rebel entrepreneurs understand a fundamental truth about sales - the product itself doesn’t seal the deal but the experience that goes


ARTICLE 044: When it comes to fundraising it is critical to not only communicate your adaptability and the viability of your product, but to prove the


ARTICLE 044: Rebel entrepreneurs must prove their viability if they want to maintain their potential investors’ interest, and secure the funding. In 1997

ARTICLE 043: A rebel entrepreneur, on the other hand, will take opinions into consideration, but they will not override their own self belief. They are


ARTICLE 043: In 1956, researchers at Swathorne College set up a simple study to determine the extent to which humans are influenced by others.


ARTICLE 042: When a belief becomes ingrained in your subconscious it has the same effect as a placebo, and you can then harness its power. It


ARTICLE 042: In a 2002 study, 180 people underwent three treatment routes for their arthritis. In one group, surgeons removed the patients’



ARTICLE 041: In 2008, Marissa Mayer wanted to determine how colour influenced users’ engagement with Google Ads. Mayer performed


ARTICLE 041: With feedback, rebel entrepreneurs can remove the friction points and then reassess. This process is known as the “perfection loop”. It’s

ARTICLE 040: A rebel entrepreneur is very aware of the right timing for trends happening in society, and if applicable, launches their product or service


ARTICLE 040: In 2007, two broke roommates, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia realised that if they couldn’t raise enough money for rent on their San



ARTICLE 039: In 2015, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis wanted to determine which is a more effective motivator – the carrot (the


ARTICLE 039: A rebel entrepreneur isn't afraid. If the promise of reward is not enough to motivate you into taking that plunge, then try changing your

Get ready to take off

ARTICLE 038: When Bill Gates was just 17 he established his first business with his partners Paul Allen and Paul Gilbert. The company was called


ARTICLE 038: Setbacks are simply a sign that great things are about to happen, so get ready to take off, just position yourself to shoot in the right

Negative people

ARTICLE 037: Albert Einstein once said “Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.” He was entirely right. Negative


ARTICLE 037: In order to protect your business and yourself, negative people should be identified as early as possible. If you share your idea with

ARTICLE 036: Rebel entrepreneurs don’t judge people based on their role or their title. They don’t see labels. They treat everyone with respect -


ARTICLE 036: In 1971, Philip Zimbardo recruited students to take part in a simulated prison in Stanford’s psychology building. Half were assigned



ARTICLE 035: What is thinking? The practice of thinking is just asking and answering questions – that’s where our thoughts come from. If you are


ARTICLE 035: Questions are more important than solutions, because as W. Clement Stone explained, they take us out of victim-mode. Writing

For me

ARTICLE 034: Whenever we encounter a new person, opportunity or experience or even listen to a story, our brains are wired to ask the question


ARTICLE 034: Once we stop asking “What’s in it for me?” and change that question to “How can I help?” - we can tap into the part of our psyche that

ARTICLE 033: The wisdom of stoicism can be a guiding light through tough times in business. You may encounter problems entirely out of your


ARTICLE 033: “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius During his prison



ARTICLE 032: Rebel's employees need to think independently, but brainstorm together. It's most effective when they know about the session in

Brainstorm together

ARTICLE 032: The very best ideas are developed carefully, and often, independent of others. In a study conducted at Yale in 1958, 48 students were


ARTICLE 031: Rebel entrepreneurs take intellectual risks, emotional risks, personal risks and social risks. For a rebel entrepreneur, risk-

Take a risk

ARTICLE 031: A friend of mine found herself at a crossroad in life. She wanted to be an editor, and hoped one day to establish an editing business


Big dream

ARTICLE 030: During the 1960s, Walter Mischel carried out a series of studies on 600 boys and girls between the ages of three and five in what


ARTICLE 030: Delayed gratification doesn’t just make treats taste more delicious, the practice yields better results at every stage of life. Closer to

ARTICLE 029: Stress is good for you. Only if you believe that stress can kill you, it will. However, once I realised that it could work for me rather than

Stress is good for you

ARTICLE 029: At one point in my career, it felt like stress was going to defeat me. Deadlines were mounting, I felt physically sick and I hadn't slept


ARTICLE 028: Whatever you put in now will come back to you in the future. A rebel entrepreneur will sacrifice a few years of partying now for decades

Sacrifice the partying

ARTICLE 028: According to Isaac Newton’s first law of motion, an object at rest will remain at rest, while an object in motion will stay in motion,



ARTICLE 027: The gut is so powerful, many call it ‘the second brain’. In 2011, Dr Premsyl Berick, an associate professor of gastroenterology at


ARTICLE 027: A rebel entrepreneur will make decisions not solely based on their logic but their gut feeling too. They trust their gut. In business, it

Positive visualisation

ARTICLE 026: In 1967, Australian psychologist Alan Richardson visited a team of college basketball players. Richardson watched the


ARTICLE 026: Positive visualisation of a goal has a profound effect on the human body. A ‘goal’ here can also mean any important event, including an

Innovation without money

ARTICLE 025: When 3D4Medical started off, I was operating entirely on a shoestring. We had just one employee – me – who worked from the attic of my


ARTICLE 025: Innovation without money is possible, in fact, there’s never been a better time to start a business on a budget. Leaving aside the