ARTICLE 001: I remember the exact moment I made the decision to become an entrepreneur. I was 18, working in the US on a Christmas
ARTICLE 001: I remember the exact moment I made the decision to become an entrepreneur. I was 18, working in the US on a Christmas
ARTICLE 006: There was once a farmer, whose stallion was his most prized possession. He took excellent care of the animal, until one day, the
ARTICLE 009: Before it was called Instagram, it was called Burbn. With this app, users could share photos, connect with friends, earn points and
ARTICLE 004: After years of grafting and sleepless nights, I finally felt ready to launch our product. We were given a great opportunity to launch Complete
ARTICLE 005: Reid Hoffman – the founder of LinkedIn – once said: “Starting a company is like jumping off a cliff and trying to assemble a plane
ARTICLE 007: Failure, in the past, was seen as grounds for punishment, especially for entrepreneurs. Societies from Ancient Greece and
ARTICLE 008: When I first told people about my vision for 3D4Medical, they laughed at me. I was a broke outsider who disliked authority and more
ARTICLE 003: The average human attention span is short, and, according to a 2015 survey by Microsoft, it’s only getting shorter. In the study
ARTICLE 010: Michelangelo once said: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and
ARTICLE 129: If you keep an open mind it will not only strengthen the judgements you make in business, but will make you happier as well.
ARTICLE 128: The world appears to be so divided. Leaders and entrepreneurs challenge their own perspectives, in business and life by looking at
ARTICLE 127: It only takes one person to make or break a brand. Rebel entrepreneurs understand this. They never underestimate the impact a single
ARTICLE 126: Rebel entrepreneurs stand by their integrity. They are unafraid to question conventional wisdom. Crucially, they ask the
ARTICLE 125: To survive, businesses have to change their plans all the time. In business, adaptability is crucial. If you don't adapt you don't
ARTICLE 124: Anxiety can follow an entrepreneur at every stage in business. Though they can take practical steps to avoid it, anxiety can rear its head
ARTICLE 121: In New York City, there is no shortage of restaurants that serve just one meal. From mac and cheese places to peanut butter
ARTICLE 116: Desire plays a huge role in the realisation of a rebel entrepreneur’s path. That primal, all encompassing urge to succeed feeds
ARTICLE 073: I was eating a meal recently and noticed tables of people celebrating. When the waiter brought out a cake with burning sparklers to
ARTICLE 060: I spent most of my adolescence in detention. From a young age – even though I was considered ‘clever’ – I was constantly getting in
ARTICLE 054: Money was my motivation in my early days as an entrepreneur. In hindsight, this was the single biggest mistake I made in my
ARTICLE 040: In 2007, two broke roommates, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia realised that if they couldn’t raise enough money for rent on their San
ARTICLE 039: In 2015, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis wanted to determine which is a more effective motivator – the carrot (the
ARTICLE 025: When 3D4Medical started off, I was operating entirely on a shoestring. We had just one employee – me – who worked from the attic of my
ARTICLE 021: When Star Trek first debuted, it gained a cult-following who were charmed by the innovative technology that took centre stage. Many
ARTICLE 019: “Your salary is the bribe they give you to forget your dreams.” – Chrisjan Peters As you read this, you might be stuck in an office
ARTICLE 016: Which makes for a better business – selling a product or a service? I happen to have experience in both. I was the founder and CEO of
ARTICLE 003: The average human attention span is short, and, according to a 2015 survey by Microsoft, it’s only getting shorter. In the study
ARTICLE 008: When I first told people about my vision for 3D4Medical, they laughed at me. I was a broke outsider who disliked authority and more
ARTICLE 005: Reid Hoffman – the founder of LinkedIn – once said: “Starting a company is like jumping off a cliff and trying to assemble a plane
ARTICLE 004: After years of grafting and sleepless nights, I finally felt ready to launch our product. We were given a great opportunity to launch Complete
ARTICLE 009: Before it was called Instagram, it was called Burbn. With this app, users could share photos, connect with friends, earn points and
ARTICLE 001: I remember the exact moment I made the decision to become an entrepreneur. I was 18, working in the US on a Christmas
ARTICLE 094: Investors say no to entrepreneurs for a variety of reasons, and more often than not it’s simply a case of the fit not being right. After all
ARTICLE 045: When realtors host open viewings they invite potential buyers to imagine themselves living in the house. They get rid of clutter, brew a
ARTICLE 047: In 1870, Josephine Cochran enjoyed a busy social life, and would host dinner parties for her friends from her home in Illinois.
ARTICLE 051: Artificial intelligence is transforming the world we live in every day whether you are aware of it or not. As new strides in technology
ARTICLE 061: When my business partner Niall Johnston and I got up and running, we visited many investors, to demonstrate the virtues of our
ARTICLE 062: When I finally got 3D4Medical off the ground, external investors and venture capitalists started showing interest. They’d get in
ARTICLE 093: Investment expert Alicia Syrett maintains that the average investor says no 98-99% of the time, although this figure fluctuates
ARTICLE 044: When it comes to fundraising it is critical to not only communicate your adaptability and the viability of your product, but to prove the
ARTICLE 095: When Facebook secured funding in 2004, they didn’t have a formal pitch. Instead, they had a media pack which demonstrated the
ARTICLE 100: The average American makes up to 70 choices per day. Choice is a fundamental part of life. While freedom is all about having options
ARTICLE 101: In 2003, researchers Dholakia and Simonson used eBay to see how customers really respond to discounts. They sold the same album
ARTICLE 102: Amazon have built their brand on the understanding that modern consumers are willing to pay to get what they want as fast as
ARTICLE 122: The phone line went dead. Another no. I had just arrived in the US and the only job I could get was in sales. I was 21 years-old, sitting
ARTICLE 125: To survive, businesses have to change their plans all the time. In business, adaptability is crucial. If you don't adapt you don't
ARTICLE 127: It only takes one person to make or break a brand. Rebel entrepreneurs understand this. They never underestimate the impact a single
ARTICLE 018: In Latin, the word currency means ‘to flow’. Picture a town where everybody is in debt. Each town-person owes money to someone
ARTICLE 011: When Colonel Sanders franchised his signature fried chicken recipe, he was in his sixties. After years of selling from his roadside
ARTICLE 013: In 1952, a group of scientists conducted a behavioral study on the monkeys living on the Japanese island of Kōjima. Over
ARTICLE 017: When web browsers were launched in the 90’s, sceptics feared that the advancements would result in mass unemployment as the internet
ARTICLE 007: Failure, in the past, was seen as grounds for punishment, especially for entrepreneurs. Societies from Ancient Greece and
ARTICLE 024: A friend of mine was the ultimate rebel entrepreneur. On a shoestring he managed to build a multimillion dollar business in just a short
ARTICLE 041: In 2008, Marissa Mayer wanted to determine how colour influenced users’ engagement with Google Ads. Mayer performed
ARTICLE 043: In 1956, researchers at Swathorne College set up a simple study to determine the extent to which humans are influenced by others.
ARTICLE 057: Dr Seuss’ children’s book Green Eggs and Ham was brought to life following a bet between Seuss and his publisher Bennett Cerf.
ARTICLE 115: When George Nissen came up with the idea for the trampoline, he was 16 years-old. Nissen was watching the acrobats of a circus
ARTICLE 103: When Michael Jordan was in high school, he didn’t make the basketball team. Instead of taking the rejection personally, he
ARTICLE 091: Before he studied the flow state, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi had originally set out to determine what makes people happy. He was
ARTICLE 084: When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, only 72% of people continue to honour them after the first week. Six months in,
ARTICLE 079: In 1984, John McEnroe exceeded expectations at his final match at Wimbledon, finishing the year with a match record of 82 wins
ARTICLE 072: In 1990, Daniel Kahneman and Richard Thaler set out to determine how our sense of possession is ingrained into our identity. The
ARTICLE 065: “A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.” – Dr Joe Vitale. If your goal is too easy, it won't excite you. Your goals have to
ARTICLE 042: In a 2002 study, 180 people underwent three treatment routes for their arthritis. In one group, surgeons removed the patients’
ARTICLE 035: What is thinking? The practice of thinking is just asking and answering questions – that’s where our thoughts come from. If you are
ARTICLE 026: In 1967, Australian psychologist Alan Richardson visited a team of college basketball players. Richardson watched the
ARTICLE 010: Michelangelo once said: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and
ARTICLE 120: Over 500 faces were staring up at me, waiting for me to say something. Anything. But I couldn’t even open my mouth. I had been invited
ARTICLE 089: In 2010, Cornell researcher Matthew Brashears set out to determine how human friendships have evolved since the internet
ARTICLE 069: Most people are born with a powerful instrument that is completely unique to them – their voice. When our vocal cords vibrate
ARTICLE 052: When I was in my early twenties, I worked as a salesman for a company that raised money for the Catholic Church in California. I didn't
ARTICLE 118: Social media is an invaluable tool in business. The platform gives entrepreneurs an opportunity to quickly reach a targeted or global
ARTICLE 082: In the 1980s, Italian neurophysiologist Giacomo Rizzolatti was studying the brain functions of macaque monkeys when he
ARTICLE 014: In 2008, researchers Jessica Tracy and David Matsumoto studied the body language of blind athletes at the 2004 Paralympics against
ARTICLE 088: For most, listening does not come easily – not because we’re unintelligent or callous – but because the mechanisms of our brain make
ARTICLE 067: A study conducted by LinkedIn found that 85% of jobs are secured through networking as opposed to traditional application
ARTICLE 012: Picture yourself as a sports manager, assembling the best football team that would challenge the league title. Would you take
ARTICLE 032: The very best ideas are developed carefully, and often, independent of others. In a study conducted at Yale in 1958, 48 students were
ARTICLE 050: In a 2011 study, “Do Nice Guys – And Gals – Really Finish Last?” Notre Dame Professor Timothy Judge found that agreeable
ARTICLE 056: In 1964, Harvard psychologist Robert Rosenthal teamed up with school principal Lenore Jacobson in a study that would gauge the
ARTICLE 068: A 2013 report by Gallup found that only 30% of employees feel inspired at work. It is estimated that this lack of engagement results in
ARTICLE 086: Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, likened the figure of an entrepreneur to that of a pilot by stating “Starting a company is like
ARTICLE 092: A recent study by Harvard Business School has found that companies generate more success when the workplace environment is one
ARTICLE 098: In a feature with NPR, Majorn Bell talks about her time with a boss who micromanaged the company. Bell had to email her
ARTICLE 107: There was once a CEO who ran a hugely successful company out of a high-rise building in Manhattan. One day, a fuse blew at
ARTICLE 119: A staggering majority of people are unhappy at work. It’s a world-wide epidemic. In the United States, 70% of people hate their jobs. In
ARTICLE 128: The world appears to be so divided. Leaders and entrepreneurs challenge their own perspectives, in business and life by looking at
ARTICLE 080: I’ve spoken in the past about how a rebel entrepreneur must be psychologically equipped to deal with the challenges presented to
ARTICLE 124: Anxiety can follow an entrepreneur at every stage in business. Though they can take practical steps to avoid it, anxiety can rear its head
ARTICLE 123: Psychologists link uncertainty to anxiety. But focusing your attention on the things within your control can be beneficial for your
ARTICLE 108: Acclaimed pianist Vladimir Horowitz once said that the worst thing for a musician to do was to think about the position of his fingers as he
ARTICLE 104: When it comes to getting into the sea, there are two types of people – jumpers and splashers. The splashers enter slowly. They stand
ARTICLE 099: Before the 1950s, athletes and medical experts shared the consensus that running a mile in less than four minutes was a biological
ARTICLE 085: In a 2012 interview, Malala Yousafzai speaks about the moment she stood up to the Taliban, the terrorist group who had
ARTICLE 083: In 2005, Jessica Witt studied athletes to assess how perceptions can shape reality. After a game, Witt showed them images of
ARTICLE 081: In the 1890s, Ivan Pavlov conducted a number of experiments on dogs in which he studied their saliva secretion. Pavlov
ARTICLE 033: “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius During his prison
ARTICLE 071: Happiness and control are intrinsically linked, but how does this knowledge play out in the business world? Does this mean
ARTICLE 070: When were you happiest? Maybe when you landed your dream job, or when ‘the love of your life’ finally asked you out. Maybe it was a
ARTICLE 063: Can money buy happiness? In a study published in Psychological Science, Kathleen Vohs found that when people are
ARTICLE 055: Sigmund Freud once said “Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier
ARTICLE 053: In 1920, psychologist John Watson wanted to test the extent to which humans can be conditioned to feel irrational fear. Watson had
ARTICLE 049: Elon Musk – who identifies as an “introverted engineer” – has spoken in the past about how he had no choice but to overcome his
ARTICLE 105: Two days before his 88th birthday, Clint Eastwood played a round of golf with his friend Toby Keith. Eastwood was scheduled to start
ARTICLE 036: In 1971, Philip Zimbardo recruited students to take part in a simulated prison in Stanford’s psychology building. Half were assigned
ARTICLE 037: Albert Einstein once said “Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.” He was entirely right. Negative
ARTICLE 038: When Bill Gates was just 17 he established his first business with his partners Paul Allen and Paul Gilbert. The company was called
ARTICLE 048: David Steindl-Rast once said “It is not happiness that makes us grateful, it is gratefulness that makes us happy.” Steindl-Rast is
ARTICLE 074: Our brains are capable of processing the world around us incredibly fast – faster than we can consciously realize. However,
ARTICLE 034: Whenever we encounter a new person, opportunity or experience or even listen to a story, our brains are wired to ask the question
ARTICLE 106: When I was a teenager, I had to clean the kitchen after dinner each night. I dreaded the chore until I found a way of making it work for
ARTICLE 109: Neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky trained a group of monkeys to know that if they pressed a button ten times they would receive a
ARTICLE 111: Benjamin Franklin once said: “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.”In any arena in life, time is a precious
ARTICLE 114: From an evolutionary perspective, children are natural born risk-takers. In the past, they were exposed to more threats and had to
ARTICLE 117: Are we predisposed to think negatively? Our first ancestors were hunter-gatherers that were conditioned to yield to negative
ARTICLE 126: Rebel entrepreneurs stand by their integrity. They are unafraid to question conventional wisdom. Crucially, they ask the
ARTICLE 129: If you keep an open mind it will not only strengthen the judgements you make in business, but will make you happier as well.
ARTICLE 027: The gut is so powerful, many call it ‘the second brain’. In 2011, Dr Premsyl Berick, an associate professor of gastroenterology at
ARTICLE 002: Koko the gorilla, was just a year old when her instructor taught her American Sign Language. Soon, Koko had a vocabulary of over
ARTICLE 006: There was once a farmer, whose stallion was his most prized possession. He took excellent care of the animal, until one day, the
ARTICLE 015: When Formula 1 drivers realise they are heading straight for a wall, their first reaction is not to stop, but to divert their gaze from
ARTICLE 023: In 1961, Stanley Milgram recruited 500 men to take part in what they thought was a memory test. The participants were given the role
ARTICLE 028: According to Isaac Newton’s first law of motion, an object at rest will remain at rest, while an object in motion will stay in motion,
ARTICLE 030: During the 1960s, Walter Mischel carried out a series of studies on 600 boys and girls between the ages of three and five in what
ARTICLE 031: A friend of mine found herself at a crossroad in life. She wanted to be an editor, and hoped one day to establish an editing business
ARTICLE 029: At one point in my career, it felt like stress was going to defeat me. Deadlines were mounting, I felt physically sick and I hadn't slept
ARTICLE 046: Amnesty International lists deliberate sleep deprivation as a form of torture, and those who have been subjected to it support
ARTICLE 058: Navy SEALs get up at 04:30 AM every morning for a gruelling physical session. As the sun rises, a SEAL will complete a body-building
ARTICLE 059: It is thought that the sauna was first invented by the Finns over 2,000 years ago before they travelled and brought it to the Americas in
ARTICLE 066: When Katharine Hepburn was a child she would take an ice bath every morning and swim regularly in the Long Island Sound. The
ARTICLE 076: In 1957, a patient known to the media as ‘Mr Wright’ was diagnosed with cancer in a California hospital. His tumours were the size of
ARTICLE 077: Acknowledging gratitude is wholly beneficial to the rebel entrepreneur. I’ve spoken in the past about how the practice of giving thanks
ARTICLE 090: When Steven Kotler was 30, he was diagnosed with Lyme disease. His symptoms were so excruciating he spent 90% of his day in
ARTICLE 096: Stephen King was on a flight from New York to London when he awoke from a frightening nightmare in which he was being held
ARTICLE 097: In 1993, Swedish psychologist Anders Ericcson set out to find what makes great performers tick. He was particularly interested in
ARTICLE 110: In 1964, Norman Cousins was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a debilitating condition that left him in constant pain.
ARTICLE 112: In recent times, anxiety has become an epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, 300 million people around the world
ARTICLE 113: Humans can live without food for three weeks. We can go without water for about three days. But without any air, we’ll die after just
ARTICLE 020: In 1906, polymath and statistician Sir Francis Galton was visiting a country fair in England when he first observed a strange
ARTICLE 022: After times of war, when a large percentage of the male population is killed, there follows a huge spike in the number of the
ARTICLE 064: For years, many have claimed that their success is due to the power of ‘manifestation’. In The Secret, Rhonda Byrne claimed that if you
ARTICLE 075: In 2018, the furniture company Ikea brought two plants to a classroom in Dubai in order to raise awareness for Anti-Bullying Day. The two
ARTICLE 078: Over the course of his career, Massaru Emoto was fascinated by the connection between water and human consciousness. Emoto
ARTICLE 087: The total length of the human face divided by the distance between the eyes and mouth approximates towards the number 1.618,
ARTICLE 019: “Your salary is the bribe they give you to forget your dreams.” – Chrisjan Peters As you read this, you might be stuck in an office
ARTICLE 128: The world appears to be so divided. Leaders and entrepreneurs challenge their own perspectives, in business and life by looking at
ARTICLE 097: In 1993, Swedish psychologist Anders Ericcson set out to find what makes great performers tick. He was particularly interested in
ARTICLE 125: To survive, businesses have to change their plans all the time. In business, adaptability is crucial. If you don't adapt you don't
ARTICLE 051: Artificial intelligence is transforming the world we live in every day whether you are aware of it or not. As new strides in technology
ARTICLE 088: For most, listening does not come easily – not because we’re unintelligent or callous – but because the mechanisms of our brain make
ARTICLE 079: In 1984, John McEnroe exceeded expectations at his final match at Wimbledon, finishing the year with a match record of 82 wins
ARTICLE 065: “A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.” – Dr Joe Vitale. If your goal is too easy, it won't excite you. Your goals have to
ARTICLE 105: Two days before his 88th birthday, Clint Eastwood played a round of golf with his friend Toby Keith. Eastwood was scheduled to start
ARTICLE 042: In a 2002 study, 180 people underwent three treatment routes for their arthritis. In one group, surgeons removed the patients’
ARTICLE 001: I remember the exact moment I made the decision to become an entrepreneur. I was 18, working in the US on a Christmas
ARTICLE 028: According to Isaac Newton’s first law of motion, an object at rest will remain at rest, while an object in motion will stay in motion,
ARTICLE 014: In 2008, researchers Jessica Tracy and David Matsumoto studied the body language of blind athletes at the 2004 Paralympics against
ARTICLE 093: Investment expert Alicia Syrett maintains that the average investor says no 98-99% of the time, although this figure fluctuates
ARTICLE 016: Which makes for a better business – selling a product or a service? I happen to have experience in both. I was the founder and CEO of
ARTICLE 052: When I was in my early twenties, I worked as a salesman for a company that raised money for the Catholic Church in California. I didn't
ARTICLE 080: I’ve spoken in the past about how a rebel entrepreneur must be psychologically equipped to deal with the challenges presented to
ARTICLE 104: When it comes to getting into the sea, there are two types of people – jumpers and splashers. The splashers enter slowly. They stand
ARTICLE 058: Navy SEALs get up at 04:30 AM every morning for a gruelling physical session. As the sun rises, a SEAL will complete a body-building
ARTICLE 043: In 1956, researchers at Swathorne College set up a simple study to determine the extent to which humans are influenced by others.
ARTICLE 077: Acknowledging gratitude is wholly beneficial to the rebel entrepreneur. I’ve spoken in the past about how the practice of giving thanks
ARTICLE 087: The total length of the human face divided by the distance between the eyes and mouth approximates towards the number 1.618,
ARTICLE 083: In 2005, Jessica Witt studied athletes to assess how perceptions can shape reality. After a game, Witt showed them images of
ARTICLE 127: It only takes one person to make or break a brand. Rebel entrepreneurs understand this. They never underestimate the impact a single
ARTICLE 120: Over 500 faces were staring up at me, waiting for me to say something. Anything. But I couldn’t even open my mouth. I had been invited
ARTICLE 107: There was once a CEO who ran a hugely successful company out of a high-rise building in Manhattan. One day, a fuse blew at
ARTICLE 096: Stephen King was on a flight from New York to London when he awoke from a frightening nightmare in which he was being held
ARTICLE 020: In 1906, polymath and statistician Sir Francis Galton was visiting a country fair in England when he first observed a strange
ARTICLE 022: After times of war, when a large percentage of the male population is killed, there follows a huge spike in the number of the
ARTICLE 024: A friend of mine was the ultimate rebel entrepreneur. On a shoestring he managed to build a multimillion dollar business in just a short
ARTICLE 010: Michelangelo once said: “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and
ARTICLE 064: For years, many have claimed that their success is due to the power of ‘manifestation’. In The Secret, Rhonda Byrne claimed that if you
ARTICLE 021: When Star Trek first debuted, it gained a cult-following who were charmed by the innovative technology that took centre stage. Many
ARTICLE 012: Picture yourself as a sports manager, assembling the best football team that would challenge the league title. Would you take